Friday, November 8, 2019

Garbage In Garbage Out Essays

Garbage In Garbage Out Essays Garbage In Garbage Out Essay Garbage In Garbage Out Essay Name: Course: Tutor: Date: : Garbage In Garbage Out Different literature works have been used to comment on or applaud behaviors and social structures of people in a society. A society that has strong beliefs in taboos, superstitions and other cultural practices is likely to be more conservative than a society that is open to any kinds of beliefs. Moreover, a society that trains the younger generation to be discriminative will be a prejudicial society in the near future. It is therefore important that the authors understand the significance of influencing readers positively, as the readers will most likely emulate what is in the work. One of the literal works How to Date A Brown Girl (black girl, white girl or halfie) written by Junot Diaz deeply proves that literature works can portray and shape a society. How to Date A Brown Girl (black girl, white girl or halfie) is a short story that gives a concise schedule on how to date a woman and successfully indulging them in a sexual relation. The book, which mostly targets youths ironically, analyzes one of the major issues that affect both the young and older adults. The dating and sexual issue is of a great concern to parents, adolescents and youth groups. Parents are concerned with the emotional and physical consequences brought about by dating and sex while young people get concerned because of pressures that arise with the same. The author largely targets the male populace who are mostly challenged with the issue of getting a date and involving the females in sexual relations. The book analyzes different characters and behaviors portrayed by divergent women and the manner in which one can predict behaviors evidenced by the same. In one way, the author gives a stereotypical view the society through a typecast lens that portrays a lot of prejudice from an outsiders’ point of view (Kevane 77). Such literal works targeted to young people give a subjective perception of how Diaz paints an irrational picture concerning women and another irrational picture with regard to the male populace. If males were to use the outlined rules in attracting and luring women in sexual associations, then such relations would just constitute to a game thereby weakening the true meaning (Howell and Jenny 45). The society that is shaped by the writer and readers of the short story is an immoral one since it perceives sexual matters as casual rather than intimate associations. The story further portrays male desires in all relationships as being largely sexual. Depending on arguments given, such a standpoint does serve as true. Note that the same perceptions has been heavily relayed in films, advertisements and television programs that position women as individuals that need to be chased for sexual relations and the men as the chasers. When young people read such a story, they are only encouraged to try out tips given in the book in order to overcome gauges instituted by peers. As an outcome, a society that uses dating as a means towards sexual satisfaction is structured for communal disaster. Diaz categorizes girls on ethnicity and racial grounds. In the story, a stereotype given for a specific race depicts an overall characterization for the affected female populace. For example, White girls being rich in nature are always taken by their parents on the date’s residence. The writher also asserts that White girls rank as the highest in terms of sexual indulgences during the first date. The author further suggests that Spanish girls are very conservative and therefore hard to offer kisses, let alone sex. When describing African American girls, Diaz identifies them as moderately loose as opposed to White girls. The description given by the author leads the readers, who form the society, to act in two ways. One, they can either act as the book depicts or alternatively, they can act in a different manner than suggested in order to prove the author and the male populace wrong. It is significant to note that literature and the media are very influential in shaping a society (Science for All Americans Online, 2011). If the manual used by this story can get a few reliable followers, and the same is backed up by a sexually enticing program as the Lingerie where sex is depicted a casual activity similar to taking coffee in a coffee bar, then a carefree, non-intimate society will be structured. Young people would become exploitative in their relations as an approach to keeping up with peer pressure that demands for boyfriends/girlfriends and sex at all times. The bad thing about this is that young people would adapt to information that unfortunately offers the wrong information. Thus, the rate of emotional breakdowns, non-intimate sex, unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, amongst others, would rise. The story actually misleads young individuals therefore misleading the whole society. The author advices all males to introduce their dates to pseudo-personalities in order to hide the historical roots as related to the gender factor (Kevane 78). The author further advices men that different approaches to sexual associations are necessitated across various races. All these are meant to give a man tactics and expectations when approaching a woman. Although advice given in this story might appear as a modern approach, it acts as a helpful tool towards outlining of differences between the earlier community and today’s society. In early societies, men were expected to pass through â€Å"right channels† when approaching the women for a date or marriage. In most cases, parents were greatly involved in both arrangements. In today’s society, the parents are only permitted in the initial dating/courtship experience and marriage occasion. Therefore, when the author offers tactics and expectations of how the men should date women, then it reflects a society that perceives women as mechanical rather than emotional beings. The society today is made up of people who are busy with activities that are economically beneficial and little has been left for social activities that contribute to the well being of a society (Howell and Jenny 105). These is why young people prefer getting advice and dating tactics from such books rather from their parents who would offer them a more respectful approach to the issue than the one given in the story. In a way, the book portrays that a woman’s character and actions are determined by the birth or residential location. Although this is quite general, it has some truth in it. Individuals in the American society are less conservative as compared to the Spanish society. Upholding chastity up to the marriage level is highly advocated within the Spanish community due to religious (Catholics) inclinations. In combination with other cultural practices like the influence of godparents and the extended family on a child’s growth, the Spanish girl and the American girl cannot be compared. It is significant to note that young people are not very keen on authors or film producer/scriptwriter. All they care about is the content in terms of practicality and interest levels. Authors and the media are only guided by sales and keeping an audience attracted towards attaining larger followers. In most circumstances, the more the popular sells, the more appropriate it becomes for the media in terms of monetary inflows. Thus, the values and lessons gotten from these works mold a majority of people in the society. Communities present in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries did not evidence a high significance of influence from foreign societies (Howell and Jenny 65). This is why societal members molded their ways in accordance to what surrounded them. Literature and media works within the given periods were educative and those that offered information outside the norm were regarded as immaterial and thus could not be permitted in the society. When a short story such as this is passed on to the society, young people are instilled with destructive values and beliefs. Males would be perceived as stereotypical beings whereas women would be viewed as mechanical individuals. By reading such kinds of works, affected societies would have no respect towards women since they would only be visualized as means towards sexual encounters. Men would be visualized as cruel and inconsiderate people. It is true that the number of divorces is on the increase in the American society today than in the same society during the conservatism period. One of the major causes of such minimal divorce occurrences was the purpose attached to marriage. If wedded individuals are joined in order to satisfy the ego as the author depicts, then such a marriage cannot last. In retrospect, societies are molded by people’s values, belief systems and rules. What is fed within one’s system is actually depicted on the outside in form of actions. The influence of the media and literal works in the society plays a major role in the way that a society and especially young people turn out to be. How women respect men and how men perceive women are all depicted in Diaz’s work. If more and more people are to read such works then accompany that knowledge with media programs and shows evidencing similar approaches, then a selfish and inconsiderate society is structured. Therefore, values and the knowledge handed down by authors and the rest of the society should strive in imparting positive influence to the people. Howell, Jude Jenny Pearce. Civil society and development: a critical exploration. New York: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2002. Print. Kevane, Bridget. Latino literature in America. Goleta: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003. Print. Science for All Americans Online. Chapter 7: Human Society. Web Project 2061, 2011. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.

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